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Bureau Of Local Government Pensions


ABOUT US                                                    

The Bureau of Local Government Pensions was established in March 2007 in accordance with the Provisions of Section 18 of the Pension Reform Law 2006 of Ogun State.

The Bureau has the responsibility of managing the Transition Pension Scheme (TPS) and facilitates the implementation of the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) as it concerns all Local Government Staff and Primary School Teachers in Ogun State.


It is a hybrid agency with a mix of State and Local Government Staff, headed by the Permanent Secretary.

The Bureau operates three (3) departments

  1. Department of Personnel Management and Non-Contributory Pension Scheme
  2. Department of Contributory Pension Scheme.
  3. Department of Finance and Supplies.

The Agency

  • Make budgetary estimates for existing pensioners and the officers exempted from the contributory pension scheme under section 5 of the Law:
  • Receive budgetary allocations from the Local Governments and makes payments to pensioners as and when due.  Ascertain deficit in pension payments, if any, to existing pensioners or the categories of officers exempted under Section 5 of the Law and carry out such other functions aimed at ensuring the welfare of pensioners as the Government or the Commission may from time to time direct.               
  • Pay gratuity and pensions to existing pensioners and the category of officers exempted under Section 5 of the Law, in accordance with the relevant and applicable computations under the PAY-AS-YOU-GO Pension Scheme of the Local Government Service.
  • Establish and maintain a data-base of all pensioners and contributors under the Contributory Pension Scheme.
  • Receive and review complaints on the Contributory Scheme from the public with a view to passing them on to the National Pension Commission, when necessary for appropriate action; and
  • Monitor compliance levels and appraise the effectiveness of the operations of the Contributory Pension Scheme within the Local Government/Local Government Education Authorities with a view to making suggestions for improvement to the National Pension Commission. 


The Bureau has a total of forty (40) staffers out of which six (6) officers are from the State Civil Service, while thirty-four (34) are seconded from the Local Government Service.

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