The Department of Finance & Accounts facilitates the collection of funds from the Office of the Accountant-General, disburses same to the needy departments thereby enhancing the implementation of designated projects/programmes:
These are done through the following activities.
Administration of Salaries and Allowance
Preparation of Leave Bonus;
Administration/receipts of Government revenue;
Preparation of revenue and expenditure returns to the Office of the Accountant-General, Office of the Auditor-General, Ministry of Finance and Department of Budget;
Managing the financial profile of the Ministry;
Budget preparation for the Ministry;
Reconciliation of the expenditures and the revenue returns with the Final Account Department of the Office of the Accountant -General;
Preparation of Appropriation Accounts;
Keeping of Financial Records of the Donor Agencies’ Accounts such as UNICEF, UNFPA and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)