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Duties of the Department
- Develop and build staff capacity on indicators, data collection forms and database;
- Develop mechanism for monitoring Budget Implementation;
- Monitoring of Budget for Compliance;
- Conduct pre-payment inspection;
- Advise MDAs on Budget Implementation trends;
- Linkage with the Compliance Department of the Ministry of Finance;
- Build capacity on data collection process, its flow, reporting timelines, responsible persons and its use;
- Ensure data collection, collation, analysis, dissemination of data collected from all agencies;
- On-the-job mentoring of implementing agencies (facility, MDAs) staff on data management;
- Regular data validation meeting with stakeholders;
- Conduct regular monitoring and supervisory visits to implementing facilities;
- Facilitate/support the conduct of data review meetings;
- Work closely with other units to compile regular reports/documents and other progress reports;
- Facilitate dissemination of program/project data with stakeholders;
- Develop a framework for the tracking (planned/actual) of program/project deliverables/target and provide necessary feedback for program/project improvement;
- Conduct Baseline, Mid-Term and End Term Evaluation of program/ project;
- Support the development of work plan and provide evidence/justification for proposed activities;
- Provide accurate data to stakeholders for program/project planning, decision making and policy formulation;
- Collaborate with other program/project partners at MDAs & State levels;
- Participate in relevant M&E Sub-committee meetings.