i. MDA LIAISON & COORDINATION: The Directorate coordinate the Revenue activities from the following units:
- Assessment of Taxes payable on properties such as Stamp Duties, Capital Gains Tax Development Levy and other taxes associated with acquisition or disposal of Assets.
- Revenue from Road Taxes such as licenses /fees on Motor Vehicle Motor Cycle, Articulated vehicles and other mechanically propelled engines.
- Taxes/Levies due from contracts, supplies, consultancy or services due from Ogun State MDA such include Withholding Taxes, Development Taxes etc.
- General supervision/coordination of road taxes supervisors and operators, marketing unit, dealership, Validation/E-report and procurement unit activities
- Handling of operational issues e.g., error on registration, name etc. for onward transmission to Courteville Business Solution Plc. (Autoreg) for correction.
- Uploading of new number plates on AutoReg Plates Module
- Assigning number plates to road taxes operators
- Carrying out compliance enforcement on all road taxes revenue items as may be approved by the Executive Chairman
- Collection of CMR application forms from all road taxes stations and forwarding same to the Nigeria Police Forces Headquarters, Moloney for processing
- Monitoring of stock level for all road taxes stickers and number plate for replenishment
- Submission of stickers request from store to Autoreg and follow-up
- Correspondence to the FRSC on number plate, proof of ownership and all other related issues
- Preparing and submission of weekly, monthly and quarterly activity reports
- Attending meetings and writing minutes of meets
- Attending public sensitizing programs and representing Road Taxes/OGIRS on media programs
- To co-ordinate the activities of all the stamp duty desk at various tax station across the State.
- To attend to all applications for stamp duty across the State, then recommends for approval from Director, Other Taxes, S.A III and Chairman for onward processing.
- Sealing and franking of both regular and home owners charter files
- Checking all stamped instruments for necessary features e.g., Seal, franking and stamped before dispatch to taxpayer.
- Ensure that all stamped instrument is registered before dispatch to desk officers.
- To prepare regular and Home Owner Charter (HOC) Seal Returns.
- Preparation of global returns for the department on weekly and monthly basis.
- Educating the tax payer on the newly introduced automation process.
- To identified Hotel and Allied Industries that are not yet in the Consumption Tax Net with a view to ensure compliances on a daily basis.
- Monitoring and ensuring all Allied Industries and Hotels, Hotel Facilities, Halls, Event Centres, Guest Rooms, Eateries (Restaurants) are registered and ensure adequacy of payment strictly comply with.
- Ensuring Recalcitrant Tax agent under Consumption Tax law are enforced to comply by doing this on a monthly basis.
- To ensure all directive from the Headquarters are strictly adhere and comply with.
- To ensure i provides critical support for all the Thirty-Five (35) Tax Office Station spread across the State.
- To ensure monthly collations of revenue is done.
- To ensure human capacity is improved in any way to enhance revenue drive,
- To ensure we create public awareness where necessary on print and electronic means.
- The unit is charged with the responsibility of assessing, collecting, monitoring and recording the taxes / fees due from the operators and agents of lotto, online sports betting, slot gaming machine, pools and other gaming business.
- To regulate and promote the business towards generating optimum revenue to the State; to ensure high level of sanity is maintained in the State gaming industries.
- Ensuring that new operators are properly registered, well guided and monitored.